Room 4
Whaea Nish
Room 4 consists of wonderful Year 5 & 6 students. We are dedicated to being the leaders of the school, looking after the school property and younger students. We show the school values of 'Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be a Learner' and try our best to model these in our daily lives.
Room 4 are responsible for the daily heat ups, ringing the school bell, sports equipment and Road Patrol at the end of the day.
We love to get outside and get active. Our favourite parts of the week is swimming in the school pool, fitness, writing and Kiwi Can on a Monday.
We value the whakatauki 'He Waka Eke Noa - We are all in this together' and this is evident in the way we look out for each other in the classroom and playground.
If you come to visit our school, please make sure you pop into Room 4 as we are very proud of our classroom!